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  •  Food Toxicants Analysis - Techniques, Strategies and Developments, Yolanda Pico, 2007  2007 
    Food Toxicants Analysis covers different aspects from the field of analytical food toxicology including emerging analytical techniques and applications to detect food allergens, genetically modified organisms, and novel ingredients (including those of functional foods). Focus will be on natural toxins in food plants and animals, cancer modulating substances, microbial toxins in foods (algal, fungal, and bacterial) and all groups of contaminants (i.e., pesticides), persistent organic pollutants, metals, packaging materials, hormones and animal drug residues. The first section describes the current status of the regulatory framework, including the key principles of the EU food law, food safety, and the main mechanisms of enforcement. The second section addresses validation and quality assurance in food toxicants analysis and comprises a general discussion on the use of risk analysis in establishing priorities, the selection and quality control of available analytical techniques. The third section addresses new issues in food toxicant analysis including food allergens and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The fourth section covers the analysis of organic food toxicants.
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     [ Still not rated ]
    The need has been evident for some time for a short handbook of meat
    product technology, expressed in the language and style of modern science
    and technology. The majority of the older texts are written by and in the
    style of the private or small-scale butcher with good practical experience,
    knife in hand, of meat animals and meat. They give practical instruction on
    the employment of the butcher’s practical understanding to make the best
    commercial use of the meat which he has before him. But the present-day
    college or university graduate, appointed to manage a factory department
    or a complete meat factory, where all of those skills may be employed on
    the large scale and subdivided among different groups of people, does not
    usually himself (or, often enough, herself) enjoy the same practical skills
    and experience. His (or her) skills are science-based and hence there is a
    need to understand the meat technology from that scientific basis.
    This handbook is an attempt to meet that need. It attempts to give proper
    weight on the one hand to the craft element in all modern and traditional
    meat product manufacturing and on the other hand to the scientific reasons
    (so far as they are known) for those practices, their best results and their
    occasional failures
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  •  Handbook of Meat processing. Fidel Toldra  2010 
    This handbook comprehensively presents the current status of the manufacturing of the most important meat products. Editor and renowned meat expert Fidel Toldrá heads an international collection of meat scientists who have contributed to this essential reference book.

    Coverage is divided into three parts. Part one, Technologies, begins with discussions on meat chemistry, biochemistry and quality and then provides background information on main technologies involved in the processing of meat, such as freezing, cooking, smoking, fermentation, emulsification, drying and curing. Also included are key chapters on packaging, spoilage prevention and plant cleaning and sanitation.

    Part two, Products, is focused on the description of the manufacture of the most important products, including cooked and dry-cured hams, cooked and fermented sausages, bacon, canned meat, paté, restructured meats and functional meat products. Each chapter addresses raw materials, ingredients and additives, processing technology, main types of products, production data, particular characteristics and sensory aspects, and future trends.

    Part three, Controls, offers current approaches for the control of the quality and safety of manufactured meat products, with coverage including sensory evaluation; chemical and biological hazards including GMOs; HACCP; and quality assurance.

    This book is an invaluable resource for all meat scientists, meat processors, R&D professionals and product
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  •  Home Sausage Making  1989 
    Изготовление колбасы в домашних условиях.

    Making sausage at home is simple and pain free. Once you've learned the basics, experimentation and sausage innovation are bound to take over. Then before you know it, you will be making gourmet sausages that are better than anything you can buy in the market, and at half the cost! Charles Reavis's Home Sausage Making introduces a world of banger possibilities--from traditional pork to salmon and poultry. However, you will need more than just the book. A meat grinder is recommended as is a sausage stuffer and sausage skins. Beyond that, ingredients are pretty basic. This is, after all, reaching right back to the peasant kitchen--and the mindset that there's a way to use everything from snout to tail except for the squeal. Start with Reavis, then reach beyond.
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  •  Ingredients in Meat Products.Properties, Functionality and Applications  2009 
    With this in mind, Ingredients in Meat Products: Properties, Functionality and
    Applications aims to present the most up-to-date information regarding nonmeat
    ingredients and their utilization in the manufacturing of processed meat products,
    and to do so in a way that is both comprehensive and practical. As the subtitle
    indicates, emphasis has been placed on helping the reader attain a fundamental
    understanding of: (1) the properties of each of these groups of ingredients, as we
    understand them today; (2) how these properties affect their functionality in meat
    vi Preface
    systems; and (3) how to take advantage of the ingredients’ functional properties to
    maximize their application in real-life situations.
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  •  Innovation in Food Engineering New Techniques and Products. Maria Laura Passos and Claudio P. Ribeiro  2009 
    This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources.
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  •  MEAT PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY.Gunter Heinz Peter Hautzinger  2007 
    Meat is the most valuable livestock product and for many people serves
    as their first-choice source of animal protein. Meat is either consumed as
    a component of kitchen-style food pr eparations or as processed meat
    products. Processed meat products, although in some regions still in their
    infancy, are globally gaining grou nd in popularity and consumption

    Meat processing has always been part of FAO’s livestock programmes,
    not only because of the possibility of fabricating nutrient-rich products
    for human food, but also owing to the fact that meat processing can be a
    tool for fully utilizing edible carcass parts and for supplying shelf-stable
    meat products to areas where no cold chain exists. Moreover, small-scale
    meat processing can also be a source of income for rural populations.

    In the mid eighties to early nineties of the last century, FAO published
    two books on meat processing (Animal Production and Health Series No.
    52 and 91) in order to familiarize food processors in developing countries
    with meat processing technologies. However, due to the time elapsed
    since then they no longer fully refl ect current techniques and processing
    procedures used in the meat sector.
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  •  Meat Biotechnology  2008 
    The main goal of this book is to provide the reader with the recent developments
    in biotechnology for its application in the meat processing chain. To achieve this
    goal, the book is divided into four sections. The first part deals with the production
    systems towards an improved meat quality through the use of modern biotechnol-ogy applied to farm animals. This section includes chapters dealing with trans-genic farm animals, genetic control of quality traits and traceability based on DNA.
    The second part is focused on the recent biotechnological developments in starter
    cultures to improve meat fermentation. The chapters cover the molecular iden-tification of microorganisms, its characterization and the genetics of lactic acid
    bacteria, yeasts and molds. The third part presents the current approaches employed
    to improve the quality and nutritional properties of meat. This section includes
    chapters on flavor generation, probiotics and bioactive compounds. The final part
    deals with latest advances for the protection against foodborne pathogens and other
    recent trends in the field. The 9 chapters of this section cover biotechnological-based
    methods for the control of spoilage and detection of pathogens, GMOs, veterinary
    drugs, as well as recent developments in bioprotective cultures, bacteriocins, smart
    packaging and safety and regulatory aspects.
    This book, which is written by distinguished international contributors with solid
    experience and reputation, brings together all the advances in such varied and dif-ferent biotechnological topics related with meat. I thank the production team at
    Springer and wish to express my gratitude to Susan Safren (Editor) and David
    Parsons (Editorial assistant) for their kind assistance in this book.
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  •  Poultry Meat Processing.Alan R. Sams, Ph.D.  2001 
    This book is the product of some of the best poultry and food scientists in the world today.
    Its concept was born from the need for a good instructional textbook in the poultry pro-cessing and product quality courses taught by many of the contributors. The text is an
    instructional and not necessarily exhaustive review of the scientific literature in each of its
    component areas. In addition to its teaching use, this book will also be a useful reference
    for academic researchers, industry personnel, and extension specialists/agents seeking
    further knowledge.
    Most of the contributors are active participants in the S-292 USDA Multi-State Research
    Project, and the collaborative relationships fostered by this project have made this book
    possible. I thank the contributors for their time and meaningful input.
    I am also deeply indebted to Mrs. Elizabeth Hirschler for her excellent technical and
    creative assistance, without which this book would not have been possible.
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  •  Processed Meats and Poultry Analysis.LEO M.L. NOLLET FIDEL TOLDRÁ  2009 
    his book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been
    made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the valid-ity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright
    holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this
    form has not been obtained. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may
    rectify in any future reprint.
    Except as permitted under U.S. Copyright Law, no part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or uti-lized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopy-ing, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the
    For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from this work, please access www.copyright.com (http://
    www.copyright.com/) or contact the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923,
    978-750-8400. CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides licenses and registration for a variety of users. For orga-nizations that have been granted a photocopy license by the CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged
    6 MiB
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