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Dictionary of Food Ingredients4th edition - 2001 

Dictionary of Food Ingredients is a concise, easy-to-use resource, covering over 1,000 food ingredients and additives, including natural ingredients, FDA-approved artificial ingredients, and compounds used in food processing. Organized alphabetically, definitions cover functionality, chemical properties, and applications, and thorough cross referencing allows readers to follow related and similar ingredients. A section based on the Code of Federal Regulations lists food ingredients according to their US approval status, and a bibliography pinpoints further information. New to this edition are ''Ingredient Categories,'' which groups principal ingredients by function and describes the characteristics and applications of each group, and E numbers for ingredients. In addition, the book will be thoroughly updated with new information on existing ingredients and newly approved ingredients.The ''Dictionary'' is an unparalleled source of information, providing practical, scientific, and regulatory information on every important ingredient and category. This will be of value to food scientists, ingredient suppliers, dietitians, extension specialists, and students.

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This download was added 01 янв 1970, 02:00 by Sergey SHEJKO and last edited 28 окт 2010, 00:49 by Познышев Вадим • Last download 23 апр 2010, 18:58

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