Handbook of fermented meat and poultry. Fidel Toldra, 2007 (*** 220 KL$ ***) 2007

An internationally respected editorial team and array of chapter contributors has developed the "Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry," an updated and comprehensive hands-on reference book on the science and technology of processing fermented meat and poultry products. Beginning with the principles of processing fermented meat and ending with discussions of product quality, safety, and consumer acceptance, the book takes three approaches: background and principles; product categories; and product quality and safety.

The historical background on the fermentation of meat and poultry products is followed by a series of discussions on their science and technology: curing, fermentation, drying and smoking, basic ingredients (raw product, additives, spices, and casings), and starter cultures. Coverage of product categories details the science and technology of making various fermented meat and poultry products from different parts of the world, including: semidry-fermented sausages (summer sausage), dry-fermented sausages (salami), sausages from other meats, and ripened meat products (ham).

Product quality and safety is probably the most important aspect of making fermented meat and poultry because it addresses the question of consumer acceptance and public health safety. While a processor may produce a wonderful sausage, the product must ultimately satisfy the consumer in terms of color, texture, taste, flavor, packaging, and so on. In the current political and social climate, food safety has a high priority. Coverage includes issues such as spoilage microorganisms, pathogens, amines, toxins, HACCP and disease outbreaks.

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