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Meat Biotechnology 2008

The main goal of this book is to provide the reader with the recent developments
in biotechnology for its application in the meat processing chain. To achieve this
goal, the book is divided into four sections. The first part deals with the production
systems towards an improved meat quality through the use of modern biotechnol-ogy applied to farm animals. This section includes chapters dealing with trans-genic farm animals, genetic control of quality traits and traceability based on DNA.
The second part is focused on the recent biotechnological developments in starter
cultures to improve meat fermentation. The chapters cover the molecular iden-tification of microorganisms, its characterization and the genetics of lactic acid
bacteria, yeasts and molds. The third part presents the current approaches employed
to improve the quality and nutritional properties of meat. This section includes
chapters on flavor generation, probiotics and bioactive compounds. The final part
deals with latest advances for the protection against foodborne pathogens and other
recent trends in the field. The 9 chapters of this section cover biotechnological-based
methods for the control of spoilage and detection of pathogens, GMOs, veterinary
drugs, as well as recent developments in bioprotective cultures, bacteriocins, smart
packaging and safety and regulatory aspects.
This book, which is written by distinguished international contributors with solid
experience and reputation, brings together all the advances in such varied and dif-ferent biotechnological topics related with meat. I thank the production team at
Springer and wish to express my gratitude to Susan Safren (Editor) and David
Parsons (Editorial assistant) for their kind assistance in this book.

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