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Safety of Meat and Processed Meat. Fidel Toldra 2009

The main go al of this book is to pro vide the read er wi th the recent developm en ts
in the safety of meat an d process ed meat , from the abatto ir along the full
process ing chain till the final pro duct.
To ach ieve this go al, the pr oposal uses five a pproaches. The first part deals
with the main biologi cal con taminants like pathogeni c microo rganisms,
specia lly E. coli and L. monoc ytogen es and toxins , meat sp oilage an d BSE
mate rial that can be present in eithe r meat or its de rived produ cts. The seco nd
part is focused on main techno logies for meat decontam ination as well a s other
developm en ts like activ e packaging or bioprot ective cu ltures to extend the shelf
life. The thir d part is present ing non- biological contam inants and resid ues in
meat an d meat produ cts includi ng nitrosami nes, PAH, veterinary drugs and
environm ental compou nds. The fourth part deals with current methodo logies
for the detection of spoil age and pathogen microorgan isms, prion s an d GMO s,
and the final part de als with predict ive models , risk asses sment , regula tions on
meat safety and other recent trends in the field.
This book, which is written by distinguis hed inter nationa l contrib utors from
18 c ountries with soli d exp erience and reputation, brings togeth er all the
advan ces in such varied and diff erent safety ap proaches relat ed to meat . I
thank the pr oduction team at Springer and wish to express my gratitud e to
Susan Safren (edito r) an d Davi d Par sons (edito rial assistant ) for their kind
assistanc e to this book.

 [ Still not rated ]
This download was added 07 мар 2012, 18:47 by nikokos  • Last download 07 мар 2012, 18:49

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