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Soy Protein and Formulated Meat Products.Henk W. Hoogenkamp 2005

Soy Protein and Formulated Meat Products combines the best of old and new. This
publication reflects an extensive review of both proven and emerging soy protein technol-ogy in processed meat and lifestyle foods. The book includes basic guidelines on how to
value the role of soy protein as a nutritive ingredient as well as a sound technology-driven
solution for often complex meat formulations.
While this book does not eliminate the need for verifying the many formulations that
are discussed, it does provide a better basis for the reader to jump-start a development proj-ect of a specific product. This book is written with the reader in mind and much effort has
been given to include the most recent technological innovations. However, the book can-not guarantee that the formulations will work in every case, nor will the author accept
responsibility for any problems that may develop from following its guidelines. This book
only serves as a guide and it is obvious that common sense and good judgement are also
The information contained herein is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate. The for-mulae and processing instructions and all other descriptions made are intended only as a
source of information. No warranties, expressed or implied, are made. On the basis of this
information, it is suggested the formulae should be evaluated on a small scale prior to full-scale production. The information contained herein should not be construed as permission
for violation of trademarks or patent rights.

 [ Still not rated ]
This download was added 07 мар 2012, 19:49 by nikokos and last edited 22 мар 2012, 10:53 by Познышев Вадим • Last download 12 апр 2012, 21:51

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