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Thermal Processing of Packaged Foods.Donald Holdsworth and Ricardo Simpson 2007

This book will be of interest to technical managers, process engineers, and
research workers as a guide to the literature and the principles underlying thermal
processing. It will be of use to those in the industry who are concerned with
achieving adequate processes, as well as to those who are concerned with the
development of equipment. It will also act as a guide to those who are concerned
with the development of legislation, and help them to assess the realities of
whatever they wish to impose on the manufacturing industry. Finally, it is hoped
that this book will inspire and enthuse research workers to even greater endeavors
in this area.
I am most grateful for advice and help from former colleagues, and also to
many friends throughout the world.

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This download was added 07 мар 2012, 20:09 by nikokos and last edited 22 мар 2012, 10:42 by Познышев Вадим • No downloads counted up to now...

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Poultry Meat Processing.Alan R. Sams, Ph.D.