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Добавлено: The HACCP Food Safety Training Manual.Tara Paster

Добавлено: 07 мар 2012, 20:01
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Название: The HACCP Food Safety Training Manual.Tara Paster
Описание: No matter where you are in the world, on a clear night you can look up in the sky
and see millions of sparkling stars in our solar system. Each of these sparkling
stars is unique and different, just like the millions of foodservice operations of the
world. Each foodservice operation is unique, whether a school or another institu-tion, independently owned or part of a franchise. That is why every operation serv-ing or selling food needs to have a food safety system in place that is uniquely
designed to guarantee that the food being served is safe to eat. This specific food
safety system is called HACCP (pronounced has-sip), or Hazard A nalysis and
Critical C ontrol P oint . HACCP is a system composed of seven principles that are
meant to be applied to a written food safety program focusing on the food in your

Год издания книги: 2007
Файл: Продовольственное руководство НАССР по обучению техники безопасности.pdf
Размер: 4.57 Мб

: dlext/?view=detail&df_id=739

Re: Добавлено: The HACCP Food Safety Training Manual.Tara Pa

Добавлено: 22 мар 2012, 10:50
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