Topic about download Thrill of the Grill

Модераторы: Михаил, Xasiyev Huseyn

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Активный пользователь
Сообщения: 14
Зарегистрирован: 10 дек 2008, 21:40
Страна: Германия
Город: Регенсбург
Профессия: Рабочий

Topic about download Thrill of the Grill

Сообщение Зевс »

Добавленный файл:
Name: Thrill of the Grill
Раздел: Кулинария и прочее (свободное скачивание)
Author: Зевс
Описание: Chris Schlesinger and John Willoughby bring a unique blend of exotic spices, American favorites, humor, and infectious enthusiasm that will put the thrill in your grill and have you coming back for seconds. Among this book's unique features: Sound advice on which grills and fuels to use, how to lay your fire, and how to know just when the fire is at the right temperature. Descriptions of the few cooking tools you need for carefree grilling, with instructions on how to use them. A chapter elucidating the fine art of grilling, with tips on how to get the best, most flavorful results.

File release: 1990
File: Thrill of the Grill.pdf
Size: 3.87 MiB

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Последний раз редактировалось Зевс 04 мар 2012, 19:41, всего редактировалось 4 раза.
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