Добавлено: Food Biochemistry and Food Pr ocessing. Wai-Kit N

Модераторы: Михаил, Xasiyev Huseyn

Партнёр >100
Партнёр >100
Сообщения: 110
Зарегистрирован: 25 фев 2010, 21:16
Страна: Украина
Город: Киев
Профессия: Технолог мясопереработки

Добавлено: Food Biochemistry and Food Pr ocessing. Wai-Kit N

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Название: Food Biochemistry and Food Pr ocessing. Wai-Kit Nip Leo M.L. Nollet Gopinadhan Paliyath Benjamin K. Simpson
Описание: n the last 20 years, the role of food biochemistry
has assumed increasing significance in all major dis-ciplines within the categories of food science, food
technology, food engineering, food processing, and
food biotechnology. In the five categories men-tioned, progress has advanced exponentially. As
usual, dissemination of information on this progress
is expressed in many media, both printed and elec-tronic. Books are available for almost every special-ty area within the five disciplines mentioned, num-bering in the hundreds. As is well known, the two
areas of food biochemistry and food processing are
intimately related. However, books covering a joint
discussion of these topics are not so common. This
book attempts to fill this gap, using the following

Год издания книги: 2006
Файл: Продовольственная биохимия и пищевая промышленность.pdf
Размер: 8.41 Мб

: dlext/?view=detail&df_id=729
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