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Ссылки на зарубежные ресурсы по колбасам

Добавлено: 11 сен 2006, 09:56
Познышев Вадим

Aidells Sausage Company - Fresh and smoked sausages in unusual flavors such as chicken and apple or smoked whiskey fennel. Also provides list of retailers, related merchandise and company information.

Altengartz German Sausage - Offers bratwurst and breakfast sausage.

Arnold's Meats, Inc. - Manufacturer and retailer of smoked sausages and processed meats, selling the brands Arnold's, Caroline, and El Cerdito.

Battistoni - Italian specialty meats such as cappocolo, prosciutto, dry salami and gift baskets. Ships in USA, order by e-mail. Requires Flash.

Bavaria Sausage Kitchen Inc. - Bratwurst made without fillers, additives or MSG.

Border County Foods - Old County Original Cumberland Sausage made exclusively from rare breed pork.

The BratWorks Ltd. - Purchase 18 different varieties of homemade german bratwurst ranging from the popular mild or hot bratwurst to our favorite jalapeno brats.

Chicopee Provision Co. - Blue Seal brand kielbasa, frankfurters, and blood sausage, and Friendship brand hoop and farmers cheese. Ships in USA.

Continental Sausage - European sausages, teewurst, cold cuts, hams, blood sausages, liver sausages, butters, cheeses, breads, chocolates, and cookies.

Crawford Sausage - Offers ethnic sausages, franfurters, lumcheon meat, and gift boxes.

Dombrovski Meats - Offers hard and Genoa salami, pepperoni, beef jerky, and combination gift packs.

Festival Sausage - Gourmet sausages and bratwurst, gourmet ham, and Certified Angus beef sticks.

Fortuna's Sausage Co. - Makers of extra lean Italian sausages in over 35 varieties.

Frabonis - Producer and retailer of various sausage such as Bratwurst, Polish, and Italian Sausage.

Furtado's - Offers chourico and linguica Portuguese sausages.

Gaspar's Sausage Co., Inc. - Portuguese smoked sausages including linguica and chourico.

H and K Old World Meat Company - Family owned company with its roots deeply imbedded in the German sausage making tradition

Haut Panache Farms - Chicken sausages, game sausages, smoked game salamis, game meat, and Wild Berry Chutney are available. In English and French.

Helmuth Family Sausage - Nine varieties of beef, pork, chicken, German and Italian sausages.

Hofmann Sausage - Offers frankfurters, Italian sausage, hot links, bockwurst, kielbasa, and German style mustard.

J and P Foods - Family recipe, high quality country smoked pure pork sausage. Includes product list, shipping, and contact information.

Jr's Texas Best - Offers gift boxes of a variety of smoked sausages.

Koenemann German Sausage Store - German style sausage with a selection of over 60 products. Ships to all 50 United States.

Molinari and Sons Salame - Dry cured salames and coppa, and raw fresh sausage.

Mulays Sausage Corporation - Hot ground and link Italian sausage.

Neto Sausage Company - Offers Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Polish sausage.

Ray's Own Brand - Offers Swiss, Portuguese, and Italian sausage. Also has jerky.

Ricci's Italian Sausage - Photos, product, recipes, history and contact details of this Pennsylvania company.

Safari Snacks - Sells snack sausages made from a varieties of meats.

Sausages by Amy - Chicken, traditional, and ethnic sausage products and gifts. Also offers Chinese-style potstickers.

Siegi's Sausage Factory - Raw and cooked sausage, spreadable meats, cold cuts and cheeses, condiments and desserts.

Slovacek Sausage Co. - Offers sausage and other smoked meats from Czech recipes.

Sole y Goíta - Sweet or spicy chorizo, and spicy sausage, from Spain. Prices are in pesetas.

Southside Market - Elgin, Texas hot fresh or smoked sausage. Also offers hot sauce and barbeque sauce.

Spencer Packing Company - Specialize in handmade, hog sausage and ole tar heel meats.

Spice Traders Northwest - Equipment, cutlery, casings and spices for making sausages.

Syracuse Casing Co Inc - The freshest sheep casings delivered right to your door, giving your sausage the look and tender bite it deserves.

Syracuse's Italian Sausage Co. - Manufacturing fine sausages for both retail and wholesale. Online sales available.

Usinger's Sausage - Gifts and bulk sausage, shipped anywhere in the continental United States.

Wardynski's - Offers wieners, Polish sausage, and lunch meat.


Добавлено: 11 сен 2006, 10:45
Познышев Вадим
Ссылки на зарубежные сайты по домашнему производству колбасы http://dmoz.org/Home/Cooking/Meat/Sausage/

About.com: Homemade Sausage - Sausage making articles and various different recipes involving sausages.

All About Sausage - Includes sausage making tips and techniques, plus an extensive directory of ethnic sausage recipes.

All About Sausages - British oriented site with recipes, history, and sausage types.

The Art and Practice of Sausage Making - Features history, types of sausage, equipment, procedure, ingredients, grinding and mixing, stuffing, thermal processing, food safety guidelines, sausage formulations, and recipes.

Authentic Hungarian Sausage Recipe - Recipe for making kolbasz with cooking instructions.

Bockwurst - Recipe for making this sausage from Michigan State University Extension.

Bratwurst, Wisconsin's Soul Food - Recipes, history, and cooking tips.

Chorizo Recipes - A collection of recipes includes Black Bean Chorizo Burritos, Chicken with Chorizo and Butter Beans, and Tomato, Capsicum and Chorizo Soup.

CooksRecipes.com: Sausage Recipe - A directory of recipes using sausage.

Eldon's Jerky and Sausage Supply: Sausage and Jerky Recipes - Information on how to make jerky and sausages using wild game or domestic livestock.

Erik's Recipes: Sausage Recipes - Erik Hoover's directory of sausage making recipes.

Greg Metha's Home Sausage Making - Features references, techniques, photographs, and several recipes, including one using kangaroo meat.

A Guide to German Sausages - Definitions and recipes.

Hugs's Homehearth: Sausage Recipes - A handful of recipes for sausages, including a Christmas morning pie, and spicy sausage casserole.

Kielbasa Recipes - One kiszka and two kielbasa making recipes.

Lesley's Recipe Archive: Sausage Making Recipes - Fresh sausage recipes including Andouille, Italian, and Chorizo. Includes tips for making sausage. From Lesley's Recipe Archive.

Lucanian Sausages - Ancient Roman and modern Lucanian recipes.

Mediterranean Sausages - Descriptions of numerous sausages with some recipes.

National Hot Dog And Sausage Council - Recipes and tips.

Old fashioned Sausage Recipes - Directory of sausage recipes.

Recipe Cottage: Liverwurst - Two recipes for making this sausage.

Recipe View: Sausages Directory - Directory of sausage making and using recipes.

RecipeSource: Sausage Recipes - Sausage making and sausage using recipes.

Sausage Fans - Promoting the preservation of the great British sausage through recipes, a sausage shop locator, and a mailing list.

Sausage Making - Includes recipes and sausage making techniques and definitions.

Sausage Making Recipes - Collection of ethnic sausage recipes.

Sausage Recipe Archive - A directory of ethnic sausage recipes.

Sausage Recipes - Several recipes for making large servings of Danish sausage.

sausagelinks.co.uk - A collection of recipes for sausage, and information on making them. Includes a database of producers with reviews and contact details.

Sausagemania - Techniques and recipes for homemade sausage, lox and kippered salmon.

Sonoma Mountain Sausages - A collection of recipes and information on making sausages at home. Recipes available in PDF files only.

Stuffers Supply Company: Sausage Recipes - A directory of sausage making recipes from Stuffers Supply Company in .pdf format. [Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader] [PDF]

Texas Country Sausage, Chorizo, Venison Sausage - Article and recipes on making country sausage, chorizo and venison sausage.
Travels Through Germany - Bratwurst Recipes - Directory of recipes.
Vegetarian Sausage Recipes - Several meatless recipes.
Venison Sausage - Several deer sausage recipes.

Sausage Making in America - Article on early sausage making in the United States. (February 1, 2001)
